Princess Charlotte's first day at nursery

Prince George Prince William Thomas's Battersea

Prince George Prince William Thomas's Battersea

This morning, the Cambridge family released two new photographs of Princess Charlotte on her first day of nursery school. Taking to Twitter that same day, Kensington Palace shared the aw-worthy pics with the caption, "The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to share two photographs of Princess Charlotte at Kensington Palace this morning".

The two-year-old looked adorable in a red coat and scarf as she posed on steps before travelling to nearby Willcocks Nursery School.

The Willcocks Nursery wrote: 'We are delighted that The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have chosen the Willcocks Nursery School for Princess Charlotte.

"Whether they're a toddler starting nursery, a little one heading back to school, or a college student, we have luxury stationery essentials for everyone", the promotional message read, according to The Telegraph.

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Kensington Palace announced William and Kate's school choice for Charlotte in December.

Charlotte attends the "kind and gentle" Willcocks full time, which is just half a mile from Kensington Palace.

Older brother Prince George began attending Thomas's Battersea school last September.

It holds what it calls morning school for 32 youngsters, aged nearly three to five years old, who are in class five days a week for three hours.

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