USA: Trump Asks For More Funds to Build Mexico Border Wall

Senator Warns Of Shutdown After Trump Demands $18B Wall

Senator Warns Of Shutdown After Trump Demands $18B Wall

The CBP document includes $5.7 billion for towers, surveillance equipment and other technology; $1 billion over five years for road construction and maintenance; and $8.5 billion over seven years for 5,000 new Border Patrol agents, 2,500 border inspectors and other personnel, the US official said.

"President Trump has said he may need a good government shutdown to get his wall", a furious Durbin said in an emailed statement Friday afternoon. Among the items on Trump's immigration wish list: money to hire 10,000 additional immigration officers, tougher laws for those seeking asylum, and denial of federal grants to "sanctuary cities". "With this demand, he seems to be heading in that direction".

It is not clear how much of $18 billion in wall funding the White House will request as part of a DACA deal. The request occurred as the White House and Congress negotiate a solution to the problem Trump created when he made a decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Lawmakers have been trying to hammer out a deal on how to extend legal status for hundreds of thousands of young immigrants who were brought to the USA illegally as children after Trump ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program previous year.

Titled "Critical CBP Requirements to Improve Border Security", the document says CBP has identified what a 2,026-mile border wall system would entail -comprising about 864 miles of new wall and about 1,163 miles of replacement or secondary wall - even as administration officials and their allies insist they are not pursuing a wall "from sea to shining sea", as Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and her predecessor John Kelly have testified to Congress.

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He said they would absolutely enter the bidding race for the next round of television rights. In November, the company partnered with Stadium to add 47 college basketball games.

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Before Christmas, Senate negotiators requested the White House give them its specifications. The CBP memo does not address other immigration priorities, such as changes to the legal immigration system, and is only an outline of the administration's goals for border security funding, reports the WSJ.

On Saturday, congressional Republican leaders are due to huddle with Trump at Camp David, the presidential mountain retreat, to discuss 2018 legislative priorities. He added: "We must protect our Country at all cost!" The president met with Republicans at the White House on Wednesday, but the meetings at Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland, are created to come up with a clearer strategic approach. Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., told the Wall Street Journal that the plan threatened to undermine negotiations on a spending bill needed to keep the government open later this month. They're expected to produce the framework for a deal next week.

Lawmakers are trying to hash out a deal on how to extend legal status for hundreds of thousands of young immigrants, many of whom were brought to the country illegally as children.

Trump said then that, in addition to the wall, he wanted to limit family-based migration, which critics call "chain migration", that allows relatives to sponsor family members to come to the United States.

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