A 69-Year-Old Double Amputee Has Just Climbed Mount Everest

A 69-Year-Old Double Amputee Has Just Climbed Mount Everest

A 69-Year-Old Double Amputee Has Just Climbed Mount Everest

On Monday morning Steve reached the summit along with Jon Gupta and Pemba Sherpa.

When Xia Boyu first attempted Everest in 1975, he was 27 years old. There are usually only a few days of good weather on the highest part of the mountain in May, when climbers rush to attempt the summit. Global Positioning System tracker showed that he stood atop the 8,848 metre.

Both Plain and Xia's teams had already begun their climb when Sherpa guides affixed ropes to the summit, opening the final leg of the route for the climbing season. He is the first double amputee to climb Mount Everest from Nepal.

Xia senior lost both of his legs below the knee amputated after suffering frostbite in a failed Everest expedition when he was just 25.

The first was New Zealand climber Mark Inglis, who reached the summit in 2006 at age 59.

The authorities said the new rules were a safety measure but they were struck down by the courts earlier this year as discriminatory.

He attempted for the summit in 2014 and 2015 as well but, unfortunately, his dream was again shattered when the expedition was canceled due to an avalanche and quake. His expedition was managed by a Nepal-based Imagine Treks and Expeditions company.

"Climbing Mount Everest is my dream", he said then.

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To Boyu, reaching the summit "represents a personal challenge, a challenge of fate", he told Japan Times in April.

The popular spring season runs from March until the end of May, after which weather conditions on the mountain begin to deteriorate.

For this season, China has allowed 118 foreign climbers from the Tibetan side of the mountain.

According to Liaison Officer Gyanendra Sherstha, Xia stood atop the Mt Everest at 8:40 am today.

Last year, 634 people made it to the peak of Mt Everest while seven died trying.

Xia Boyu, a 69-year-old hit by frostbite on Everest over four decades ago, and Steve Plain, who was almost paralysed by an accident four years ago, were among the first to summit the world's highest mountain.

Most Everest hopefuls are escorted by a Nepali guide, meaning about 700 climbers will tread the same path to the top of the 8,848 metre peak in the coming weeks.

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