Amazon to open cashier-less stores in Chicago and San Francisco

Amazon to open cashier-less stores in Chicago and San Francisco

Amazon to open cashier-less stores in Chicago and San Francisco

Amazon is opening its first Amazon Go stores outside of Seattle, with cashierless store locations slated for Chicago and San Francisco. New stores will be opening in Chicago and San Francisco according to job postings and later confirmation by an Amazon spokesperson.

Currently, there is only one Amazon Go store in Seattle which was made public way back in January. It is recently reported that Amazon had its eye on an Amazon Go location in San Francisco's Union Square neighborhood.

The company confirmed Monday that Amazon Go stores would open in the two cities, but didn't say when. As many as six stores could open this year, according to Recode.

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Real-estate tracker Curbed in February spotted a building permit for construction of a 625-square-foot "Amazon store" in Chicago's Loop district. Any person with an Amazon account and the Amazon Go app can simply grab anything they want and walk out, without going through a checkout line. Technical limitations encountered during testing with employees show that it would be hard to implement the tracking system on a much larger scale, albeit not impossible over the long term. You just have to download the Amazon Go app, and you're all set. When they leave, they just leave. After that, Amazon's system uses cameras and other sensors to track shoppers and identify what they take off shelves.

There are no cashiers but there are plenty of human employees restocking shelves, checking ID for wines, and working security.

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