Apple's self-driving test fleet grows to 55 vehicles

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Apple still hasn't publicly announced its plans when it comes to autonomous cars.

Like other tech giants, Apple is keen to get into the vehicle space, with Tim Cook a year ago saying that autonomous systems are "a core technology" that the company views as "very important". 51 companies have registered 409 autonomous test vehicles in the state, according to the DMV. That gives it the second-largest fleet in the United States of America, ahead of Waymo's 51 cars, but still well behind GM Cruise, which boasts 104. According to the DMV figure, Apple has bigger self-driving vehicle fleet in California than Waymo, Toyota, BMW and many more that has makes it the second largest fleet in the state.

Everyone's favorite purveyor of slick glass-and-aluminum computers and phones has been rumored to be in the self-driving vehicle game for years now, but what do we actually know?

Today, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has confirmed (via macReports) that Apple now has 55 vehicles and 83 drivers permitted to test autonomous vehicles.

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According to Gizmodo , Google still hasn't developed a policy document detailing safeguards around its use of machine learning. Project Maven is essentially a research initiative to develop computer vision algorithms that can analyze drone footage.

Uber left California in late 2016, taking its 16 vehicles with it, after the California DMV threatened to revoke its vehicle registrations. Apple CEO Tim Cook has called self-driving "a core technology that we view as very important". Are they testing the Apple self-driving cars in some secret volcano lair off of the Northern California coast, gliding around in electric silence broken only by fits of maniacal laughter and occasional geological rumbling?

"We sort of see it as the mother of all AI projects".

So, we know that Apple has cars and safety drivers, what we don't know is what exactly its been doing with them. Waymo applied for that permit.

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