Argentina apologise for World Cup guide to flirting with Russian women

The Argentinian FA handed out this manual

The Argentinian FA handed out this manual

The booklets, which were handed out Tuesday at the launch of a course on Russian culture, were meant for players, coaches, executives and reporters who would be heading to Russia for the 2018 World Cup in June, Clarín Deportes reported. For Russians, sex is something very private and the subject is not discussed in public.

Another part of the chapter tells the men travelling to Russia: "Do not ask stupid questions about sex".

"Russian ladies like men who take initiative", read one entry in the "Russian Language and Culture" manual. Pay attention to their values and personality. Remember, you are an immigrant/foreigner and you can speak to her about your country, how you live, or the interesting things that you can see in your country. Try to talk with her in a very honest way.

'Many men, because Russian woman are handsome, just want to get them into bed.

Those in attendance were said to have been stunned during a seminar yesterday - delivered by Russian language expert Dr Eduardo Pennisi - on how to "get lucky" with "beautiful" Russian women. I see this problem in men who are very selfish or sometimes with men who are nervous when talking to a pretty girl. In both cases it is necessary that you change your attitude, but for nervous guys, relax, it is only a girl, nothing more. The chapter was titled "What to do to have an opportunity with a Russian woman".

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Just a little deodorant and she can be all yours

"But don't worry, there are many attractive women in Russian Federation and not all of them are right for you".

Alejandro Taraborelli, spokesman for the education department with the AFA, confirmed in a statement that the document was real and that once they were made of aware of the situation, they quickly "retrieved the material".

"We regret that this mistake has overshadowed the importance of the day and the educational activity provided by AFA, expressing our most honest apologies to those who were affected by the publications, which in no way reflects the thinking of the Argentine Football Association, nor that of its President Claudio Tapia or any of its directors", read the statement, attributed to Alejandro Taraborelli of the AFA's Education Department.

"The teacher in charge of the course chose information to give the assistants but regretfully at the moment of printing, because of an unforeseen error a text that was never part of the course was included".

"Having notified the personnel of the department, we proceeded to have it immediately removed. We regret that this mistake has overshadowed the importance of the day and the permanent educational activity provided by AFA, expressing our honest apologies to those who were affected by the publication".

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