Arrested Development stars cancel United Kingdom visit

Jeffrey Tambor Will Arnett and Jessica Walter in Arrested Development

Jeffrey Tambor Will Arnett and Jessica Walter in Arrested Development

"Jason says this happens all the time [but] in like nearly 60 years of working, I've never had anybody yell at me like that on a set", she said.

Alia Shawkat, the only other female cast member present for the interview, chimed in saying, "that doesn't mean it's acceptable".

David Cross says he regrets the comments he made during a recent Arrested Development cast interview with The New York Times in which he seemingly defended actor Jeffrey Tambor in regard to an allegation of verbal harassment leveled by co-star Jessica Walter. "I shouldn't have tried so hard to mansplain, or fix a fight, or make everything OK". I do not. It sounds like I'm insensitive to Jessica.

But a controversial interview with The New York Times put Jeffrey's behaviour in the spotlight, not the new series.

Tambor was sacked from another show, "Transparent", in February after being accused of sexual harassment. I am not. In fact, I'm horrified that I wasn't more aware of how this incident affected her.

"They were very formative personalities for me", Michael - who was 15 when the show started - explains.

Netflix has canceled a planned press tour in the United Kingdom ahead of the show's upcoming fifth season.

"I didn't speak up as much as I should have, and I regret it", Cross said. That's important to remember'.

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"I have reached out to Jessica personally to apologize".

"I don't know the answer to that - and I don't want to think about it live, in this interview", he said.

In a statement released Thursday, Netflix announced, "At this time we have decided not to move ahead with promotional activity in the United Kingdom but hope to bring the cast back at another time". Many industry professionals have criticized Bateman's behavior, with Cosmopolitan's Kaitlin Meza saying, "I had to stop reading after the ninth time Jason Bateman interrupted a crying 77-year-old woman to say that she was over-reacting to what an entire room of people agreed was abuse".

"There's never an excuse ever for yelling at somebody and humiliating them in front of other people", Cross told Gothamist.

Among planned appearances were a slot on the BBC's One Show tonight, with Hale and Shawkat due on Channel 4's Sunday Brunch over the weekend.

Both have since apologized for attempting to minimize Walter's complaint, and it appears Netflix bosses don't want a repeat of the drama, and so they're pulled a planned United Kingdom press tour. Event organisers tweeted: 'Due to unforeseen circumstances the Arrested Development panel has been cancelled.

Arrested Development Season 5 is due to land on Netflix next Tuesday.

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