Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger reveals his special India connect

Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger reveals his special India connect

Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger reveals his special India connect

After 22 years in charge, it will be Arsene Wenger's final match as manager.

"When you work hard, you get your chance, so I'll keep working hard and see what's next", he said.

"He leaves a huge legacy in both the Premier League and at Arsenal", Reyes, who now plays for Cordoba, told Omnisport.

The idea of a European league has been mooted for years and could be driven by dwindling Champions League attendances and the fact more revenue is demanded for the Premier League television rights than UEFA's elite club competition.

Wenger described the change as "inevitable" because the big clubs will no longer want to share broadcast revenues with the smaller ones.

According to the Frenchman, the next step in football's "evolution" is for a European league with the top teams from each country playing during the weekends, with the domestic leagues having to schedule their matches for Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday.

Arsenal, one of the clubs to have dominated the Premier League during the 90s and the early 2000s, have a large fan base in the Indian subcontinent and Wenger's revelations will send undoubtedly send them into a frenzy.

"It's a fantastic stadium - but there was something special at Highbury that you could never recreate when you build something new".

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"It is inevitable because sharing the money between big clubs and the small clubs will become more of a problem".

The Sun reports that Federation Internationale de Football Association is planning to rival Uefa's Champions League by launching a new world club championship.

The New York Times says that City and United were joined in the Federation Internationale de Football Association meeting by European rivals Juventus, Bayern Munich, Paris Saint-Germain, Barcelona and Bayern Munich.

"People want to watch quality". So we have to share the money but nobody is interested in you?

So what will that mean for the Premier League?

"Huddersfield are safe now but Arsenal have to finish with at least a point here, otherwise it'd be embarrassing in Arsene Wenger's final game".

"I would say, personally, from 2006 to 2015 - it was certainly the period where I needed to be the strongest and did my best job", Wenger said.

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