Avengers: Infinity War writers reveal why the Netflix heroes didn't appear

Marvel Sharon Carter Avengers Infinity War

Marvel Sharon Carter Avengers Infinity War

Watching Thanos complete his hero's journey and wiping out half of the universe, along with some of the MCU's most beloved heroes, was nearly too much for some fans to handle. The good news is that each day that passes brings us closer to the release of Avengers 4 and of the outcome of this story was wonderful.

Released in a brand-new issue of License Global (via Comicbook.com), the first Avengers 4 plot synopsis is as vague as can be, cryptically teasing the aftermath of Infinity War.

With phrases like "turning point", "fragile reality" and "sacrifice", this sounds truly ominous. While the Avengers and their allies continue to protect the world from various dangers you can't handle a single superhero, a new threat emerges from space: Thanos. After all, the fourth film will resurrect the characters that were killed by Thanos with his snapped his finger. Other MCU characters weren't so lucky - like Central Intelligence Agency agent Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp), with whom Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) shared a passionate kiss in Captain America: Civil War.

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"Once it became sort of a smash and grab type movie anything that wasn't on the main A plot about and in response to Thanos collecting stones mostly got jettisoned", McFeely said. But if Avengers: Infinity War directors Joe and Anthony Russo were anxious that the mere mention of the Avengers 4 title would spoil the plot of the highly anticipated Marvel sequel, wouldn't a plot synopsis spoil it too?

If you're a fan of movies, there's no avoiding Marvel films right now. If anything, Marvel loyalists should prepare to shed a few more tears as the so-called official synopsis for the fourth Avengers movie is out and it's not all rainbows and unicorns. Although he did not mention any name, comic fans who are aware of his work speculated that it could be a cosmic being.

While the recently-released Infinity War certainly proved to be a damper in this regards, chances are the scenario will remain quite similar in the next installment as well.

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