Billboard in Maryland warns those trying to impeach Trump

Billboard warning 'liberals' over Trump impeachment efforts to come down

Billboard warning 'liberals' over Trump impeachment efforts to come down

A pro-Trump billboard that tells liberals to "get their guns" if they try to impeach President Trump has kicked off a storm on social media.

The Calvert County Sheriff's Office has reportedly been overwhelmed with calls both against and in favor of the sign. Others complaining about the complaints about the sign, but the sheriff has now spoken to the owner and the owner has agreed, when he comes back from out of town, to at least change it.

Since President Donald Trump took office, it's not an uncommon sight to see political billboards and signs along roadsides.

"We get complaints it's there and we get complaints that he is taking it down", Capt. Dave Payne told The Calvert Recorder. "We conferred with the state's attorney, and as of right now, he is not violating any laws".

However, that's at odds with what happened to an anti-Trump street art in New Orleans a few months ago.

Finally, the Baltimore Sun reports that the owner has put up a number of different messages that have included Trump's name.

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"When we have very little ... going on in Calvert County, very little crime, [and] something like this pops up, it gets a lot of attention", Evans said.

Some conservatives obviously love it.

"I hate that billboard", one woman said, explaining that it frightened her son.

Kelly Mazzella said she's a Republican and she thinks "it's a little offensive".

"I just expressed the opinion of some people in the county, and that was his choice", he said. "I think it's very threatening".

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