Bolton says 'it's possible' U.S. will sanction European companies working with Iran

Saudi Arabia says it may raise oil output after US quits Iran nuclear deal

Saudi Arabia says it may raise oil output after US quits Iran nuclear deal

Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union", National Security Adviser John Bolton said in order to get a better nuclear deal with Iran it is possible the United States will impose sanctions on European companies. And he said that he will consider "economic sanctions of the highest level" on any European company or country that helps in Iran's nuclear "quest".

"It's possible", John Bolton said on CNN when asked if the U.S. might hit Europe with sanctions, stating that it depends on the conduct of other governments.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made clear Sunday that President Trump's decision to exit the Iran nuclear deal didn't target Europe, but he backed the president's vow to keep European allies or companies from helping Iran pursue a nuclear weapon.

Trump announced his decision to withdraw from the Iran Nuclear agreement on May 8, nearly three years after the deal, formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was agreed.

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Answering a question about the USA imposing sanctions alone, without the support of China, Russia and Europe, Bolton said the U.S. was not alone.

"I think the Europeans will see that it's in their interests to come along with us", Bolton said. "Iran must explain how it continues its march across the Middle East". China and Russian Federation also have affirmed support for the deal, which was created to keep Iran from building nuclear weapons.

"The U.S. [is] essentially, at least as of now, going it alone", Tapper said. "He makes the decisions, and the advice I give him is between us". "And I will work closely with the Europeans to try and achieve that".

Others were dubious that withdrawing from the nuclear deal would prove effective, particularly since it shattered an worldwide alliance that worked to negotiate the deal with Iran. "Those are the kinds of things that if we get what it is the president has demanded, the complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization of North Korea that the American people will offer in spades".

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