Brokerages Set Pattern Energy Group (PEGI) Target Price at $22.96

On Thursday, March 15 the stock rating was maintained by Goldman Sachs with "Buy". The average 12-month price target among brokers that have covered the stock in the past year is $22.96. (NASDAQ:PEGI) earned "Neutral" rating by JP Morgan on Friday, December 16. As per Wednesday, August 2, the company rating was maintained by Desjardins Securities. Pattern Energy Group Inc. (PEGI) stake by 179.55% reported in 2017Q4 SEC filing. Pattern Energy Group's dividend payout ratio is now 889.47%.

PEGI opened at $17.89 on Thursday. The Intact Investment Management Inc holds 1.15 million shares with $30.85M value, up from 484,600 last quarter. Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc. increased its stake in shares of Pattern Energy Group by 35.7% during the fourth quarter.

Shares of PEGI traded down $0.43 during mid-day trading on Friday, reaching $18.16. About 869,449 shares traded. Finally, BKS Advisors LLC acquired a new stake in Pattern Energy Group during the 1st quarter worth about $199,000.

Cash available for distribution (CAFD) in the first quarter was Dollars 43.1 million, a decline from USD 45.1 million in same quarter of 2017. It has underperformed by 22.83% the S&P500. (NYSE:MPW) at the moment has a 10-month price index of 1.09. It is positive, as 5 investors sold MANU shares while 8 reduced holdings.

The company's quick ratio for most recent quarter is 1.2 along with current ratio for most recent quarter of 1.2. The firm specializes in providing infusion solutions, nutrition products, and medical devices for use in hospitals and clinics. Legal & General Group Plc now owns 29,125 shares of the utilities provider's stock valued at $706,000 after purchasing an additional 3,974 shares in the last quarter. Pattern Energy Group Inc. Enbridge Inc (NYSE:ENB) was reduced too.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.55 in 2017 Q4. Its up 0.51, from 1.04 in 2017Q3.

Rhumbline Advisers stated it has 76,577 shares. One Trading Limited Partnership reported 1,214 shares. Price T Rowe Assocs Md invested in 13,684 shares. Tph Asset Management Limited Liability Corp has invested 0.18% in Pattern Energy Group Inc.

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(NASDAQ:PEGI) headquartered in San Francisco, California, announced net income for the first quarter of $ 135.92 million or $ 1.32 per share, compared to income $ 5.65 million or $ 0.06 per share for the year-ago quarter. (NASDAQ:PEGI). Rare Infra accumulated 7.04% or 4.13M shares. Pattern Energy Group's revenue was up 36.5% on a year-over-year basis. equities analysts anticipate that Pattern Energy Group will post 0.31 earnings per share for the current fiscal year. (NASDAQ:PEGI) for 34,196 shares. 124,981 are held by Qs Investors Ltd Liability. BMO Capital Markets maintained Pattern Energy Group Inc. Moody National Bank & Trust Trust Division accumulated 0.02% or 19,080 shs.

The chart of Pattern Energy Group Inc. (NASDAQ:PEGI) or 57,969 shares.

Pattern Energy Group Inc. operates as an independent power firm that owns and operates power projects in the United States, Canada, and Chile.

Shares of Pattern Energy Group (NASDAQ:PEGI) (TSE:PEG) have been assigned an average rating of "Hold" from the sixteen research firms that are covering the stock, Marketbeat reports. Therefore 65% are positive.

On average, analysts expect that Pattern Energy Group will report full-year sales of $538.73 million for the current year, with estimates ranging from $447.96 million to $585.36 million. The company was initiated on Friday, November 18 by Credit Suisse. (NASDAQ:PEGI)'s stock was -15.03%. On Monday, April 23 BMO Capital Markets maintained Pattern Energy Group Inc. The company was downgraded on Monday, March 5 by Williams Capital Group. Desjardins Securities maintained the stock with "Buy" rating in Tuesday, February 27 report. On Friday, March 2 the firm has "Hold" rating by Bank of America given. As per Wednesday, December 6, the company rating was upgraded by Goldman Sachs. The stock has a market cap of $1,752.76, a PE ratio of 95.53, a PEG ratio of 2.51 and a beta of 0.97.

Since February 1, 2018, it had 2 insider purchases, and 1 insider sale for $208,097 activity. The insider BATKIN ALAN R bought $171,926. The insider Pedersen Esben W. sold $49,231. It's an item titled: "32 Stocks Moving In Thursday's Pre-Market Session" on May 10, 2018.

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