Bucks Issue Strong Statement On Police Incident

Bucks Issue Strong Statement On Police Incident

Police officers who have shown an inability to remain calm and respectful when confronting someone over a parking violation should not be entrusted with the power and authority that comes with being a Milwaukee police officer.

Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales released the video, which was recorded when Brown, a Milwaukee Bucks shooting guard, was confronted for parking in a handicapped spot at a Walgreens on January 26. Officers can be seen surrounding Brown and forcibly putting him on the ground, with one officer then using a stun gun on him. Things got heating when one officer asked Brown to take his hands out of his pockets, but her refused, saying he was holding something. I tell my players all police officers aren't bad, even though we have some that go overboard.

Lucas said as a child, he was stopped by a police officer on 1st and Burleigh, who accused him of stealing a purse.

It began at around 2am on 26 January in a Walgreens auto park when Brown walked out of the store to find an officer standing by his vehicle asking him for his driver's licence. In 2016, 23-year-old Sylville Smith was fatally shot by a police officer and riots ensued.

Sgts. Jeffrey Krueger and Sean Mahnke were suspended for 10 and 15 days, though it wasn't clear which supervisor received the longer suspension.

The high-profile arrest and what appears to be an unprovoked tasing is getting national attention. Brown has retained lawyer Mark Thomsen to file a federal civil rights lawsuit.

Spokeswoman Amy Hasenberg says Walker also agrees with Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch's comments Thursday calling the newly released video "disconcerting" and "alarming".

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That legal pressure on Cohen appeared to increase on Tuesday, after Freidman cut his plea deal with investigators. The two charges - announced in March 2018 - could carry prison sentences of 10 and five years, respectively.

Milwaukee's Black community members have protested for decades against police officers' unfair, racist treatment, which was substantiated by the study, Urban Milwaukee reported.

Brown said he chose to speak up about the incident on behalf of Laquan McDonald, Stephon Clark and others in the black community who have died in encounters with police.

Following the release of the footage, Milwaukee police chief Alfonso Morales apologized for the conduct of his officers. "It's a hard job law enforcement has, but most importantly, we have to restore the trust in this community between our police and our community", said Lucas.

Hamilton says he wants residents to know that he and his colleagues are not taking the issue lightly.

Alderwoman Milele Coggs shared her thoughts, as well. I will do my part in helping to prevent similar incidents from happening to the minority community in the future.

Sterling Brown was arrested back in January at a Walgreens. During the weekly meeting of the group Pastors United at Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church, Gregory Lewis, president of Pastors United, said he's proud that Brown is choosing to hold police accountable for what people without the basketball player's influence deal with every day.

"(Brown) is an influential person in the community.

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