Cardin calls on Trump to repudiate aide's joke on 'dying' McCain

Cindy McCain

Cindy McCain

And she disputed the suggestion that Trump himself is setting a hurtful tone among his aides with his own disparaging remarks about McCain, who is being treated for brain cancer, and others.

"The thing that surprises me most", said Meghan McCain on "The View", where she co-hosts.

"Kelly, here's a little news flash ... we're all dying".

McCain also said she didn't understand how the White House could be an environment where someone could make a comment like that and "can come to work the next day and still have a job".

This was the second time this week Meghan McCain criticized comments about her father on The View. John McCainJohn Sidney McCainWhite House official calls Meghan McCain to apologize for remark about father Haspel appreciates McCain's "thoughtfulness" after he opposes her nomination Graham on his visit with McCain: "No talking about funerals" MORE (R-Ariz.), who has been battling brain cancer.

"The fact is John McCain - it worked on John", he said on Thursday.

"And Mrs. Sadler, if you wonder about his time in captivity, please, I invite you to watch him walk", the host continued.

The White House did not dispute the report about Sadler's remark, but issued a statement saying, "We respect Senator McCain's service to our nation and he and his family are in our prayers during this hard time".

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Senate will accept Gina Haspel's appropriation of Eichmann's alibi and confirm her as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Feinstein as seemingly open to supporting her as the replacement for Mike Pompeo , who moved over to Secretary of State.

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More results showed that only 3.8% of people use marijuana, 0.37% used amphetamines, and 0.35% used opioids in the past year. Australasian populations also appeared to use other drugs, such as cannabis, opioids, and cocaine, more frequently.

Massive wave is southern hemisphere record, scientists believe
The wave was recorded by a buoy floating in the remote Southern Ocean, The Sydney Morning Herald reported. The swell map showing the wave (the red dot is the buoy that picked up the reading).

South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a close friend of John McCain, told CNN of the White House aide's comment, "Ms. Sadler, may I remind you that John McCain has a lot of friends in the United States Senate on both sides of the aisle".

"His vocation in life was making life better for people and better for the country", said Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican.

'The fact is those methods can work and they are effective as former Vice President Cheney said.

Hours after McCain tweeted his concern over Haspel, Trump tweeted praising her.

McCain famously returned to Washington from Arizona previous year to cast a deciding vote against the Republican health care repeal.

The incident came the same day a retired Air Force general called McCain "songbird John" during an appearance on Fox Business Network for allegedly providing information to the North Vietnamese while he was a prisoner of war.

"As a proud military veteran and son of a Vietnam Vet, these words neither reflect my or the network's feelings about Senator McCain".

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