France vows pushback against U.S. sanctions on Iran

Europeans scramble to save Iran deal after Trump reneges

Europeans scramble to save Iran deal after Trump reneges

The top diplomats of Britain, France and Germany were meeting in Brussels with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and the European Union's chief diplomat, Federica Mogherini.

President Hassan Rouhani had said on Tuesday that Tehran would remain in the deal, provided its benefits stayed in force with its remaining signatories.

The European members of the deal are trying to keep it alive without the U.S. Yet it's unclear that will be workable, because Trump has vowed to punish European companies that continue doing business with Iran despite re-imposed U.S. sanctions.

Iran has stated that they intend in the form of an ultimatum demand that the European members of the security transaction.

Zarif said little to reporters Tuesday but suggested he wanted to discuss the deaths of dozens of Palestinians in Gaza as well as the nuclear deal, which U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew from last week.

The West of England Club said any activity would have to stop the moment any entity that's dubbed a Specially Designated National by the U.S. Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control is re-added to a secondary sanctions list.

"We consider ourselves as one of the participants in the accord and we are going to fulfil it and are in close contact and dialogue with all the other participants", Ryabkov said.

"In the end, the size of the US market dwarfs any prospect of any benefit they can get from Iran", Maloney said.

Mr Trump said: "Any nation that helps Iran in its quest for nuclear weapons could also be strongly sanctioned by the United States".

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So it was with the Paris climate accord, the steel and aluminum tariffs, the embassy in Jerusalem, and finally, this week, the Iran nuclear agreement.

European companies penning lucrative deals with Iran include France's Total who are involved in developing a gas field, Royal Dutch Shell who are investing in the Iranian energy sector and Airbus who are supplying new airliners.

France and Germany are among European Union countries that had drawn up euro-denominated Iran export finance programs to resist USA sanctions. But senior Iranian official Ali Akbar Velayati said in Tehran that Iran's defensive missile programme was not negotiable.

The U.S. on Friday condemned Iran's "destabilizing influence" in the Middle East, pointing to its support for a rebel group in Yemen and recent clashes with Israel.

He rejected an idea of compensating German companies who lose Iranian business due to new sanctions, and companies themselves must make "whichever decision is right in their individual cases" in continuing business with Iran.

Those impacts will only become apparent once America's partners give their own response to Trump's decision, and when details of how the USA measures are implemented are clear, the IG said. In this case, the US chose to also impose "secondary sanctions", which also apply to non-Americans and non-U.S. companies.

Ultimately, it is up to Iran to decide whether to accept the agreement with limited benefits or imitate US and depart.

While Israel is strongly supportive of President Trump's decision, the same can not be said for the United Kingdom, France and Germany.

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