Google Employees are leaving Because of Disputable Pentagon Contract

Some Google employees are resigning due to involvement with Project Maven

Some Google employees are resigning due to involvement with Project Maven

In March, several employees at Google said they were outraged about the project, some stating that it was a contradiction of its onetime motto, "Don't be evil".

However, Google's involvement in the project has triggered massive protests within the company and now almost 4,000 Google employees, out of the 85,000 Alphabet employees, have signed an internal petition asking Google Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai to end the tech giant's support for Project Maven and halt the "business of war".

Now, according to Gizmodo, at least a dozen employees have quit over Google's involvement in the project, raising objections to how the company's involvement was brought to light.

In March, Gizmodo disclosed that Google was working with the Defense Department to improve AI examining drone footage as part of an action called as Project Maven.

One resigning employee said that they couldn't live with the responsibility of the company's decisions, adding: "I tried to remind myself that Google's decisions are not my decisions". Their reasons for resigning range from absence of transparency to ethical concerns. "And if I can no longer recommend other people to this company, why am I still here?" - quoted by Gizmodo, one of the dismissed employees.

For its part, Google says that its Pentagon contract is only a test and that it covers non-classified images.

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The more than 400 academics from around the world who signed an open letter published yesterday are supporting Google employees against Project Maven.

A spokesperson said: "The technology is used to flag images for human review and is meant to save lives and save people from having to do highly tedious work".

According to Gizmodo, Google still hasn't developed a policy document detailing safeguards around its use of machine learning. In addition to the Google-specific internal petition, there is a broader petition focused on IBM, Microsoft, Amazon and Google, built by tech workers who "believe that tech companies should not be in the business of war". The Cambridge Analytica scandal demonstrates growing public concern over allowing the tech industries to wield so much power. "They also signal a failure to engage with global civil society and diplomatic institutions that have already highlighted the ethical stakes of these technologies". The contract, for those wondering, is for a project known as Project Maven.

Fortune approached Google for comment about these resignations and will update this post if it responds.

"Although we have taken tentative steps to explore the potential of artificial intelligence, big data and deep learning", then-Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work wrote in an April 2017 memo discussing Project Maven.

Project Maven is essentially a research initiative to develop computer vision algorithms that can analyze drone footage.

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