Hillary Clinton warns Australia on Chinese 'influence peddling'

Former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton speaks with former Australian prime minister Julia Gillard at a Women World Changers series in Melbourne

Former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton speaks with former Australian prime minister Julia Gillard at a Women World Changers series in Melbourne

Ms Clinton was speaking in Melbourne on the subject of being a woman in politics.

Hillary Clinton warned Australia must stand up to the creeping influence of the Chinese Communist Party before it spreads, and drew parallels between its actions and that of Russian interference in the 2016 USA election.

"There is still a very large proportion of the people that [are] uneasy with women in positions of leadership", said Clinton, who previously visited India to discuss the election.

Leigh Sales - arguably one of the most successful female journalists in Australia.

I think we should take Hillary Clinton's alarmist remarks about China's takeover motives with a rock of salt - especially now that US President Donald Trump has made this backward step of withdrawing his country from the Iran nuclear deal, and also threatened sanctions on countries which continue to trade with Iran.

It's no secret we have a long road ahead of us, but one we have no choice but to pursue.

However, he tweeted in February: "I never said Russian Federation did not meddle in the election, I said it may be Russian Federation, to China, or another country or group".

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In her remarks, Clinton also said her opponents would say "I'm not against women" while wearing apparel that mocked her.

In 2017 he said: "This Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story".

Former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard with Hillary Clinton.

In the case of China, Clinton said: "This is an urgent problem and one we must confront immediately and together". "This is bigger than one candidate, one election or even one country".

Hillary Clinton has fears over China's growing persuasion in the Asia-Pacific, and on Thursday night issued a warning to Australia to be vigilant to outside influence and to 'protect Australia's interests'.

An Australian senator quit parliament in December over his relationship with a wealthy political donor associated with the Chinese Communist Party.

Now China is on track to replace the United States of America as the world's No.1 super power and I don't think they like it.

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