Iran preps 'industrial-scale' nuke production after United States leaves nuclear deal

Saudi Arabia ready to support oil market after US pullout from Iran deal

Saudi Arabia ready to support oil market after US pullout from Iran deal

The United States plans to impose new sanctions against Iran, which produces about 4 per cent of global oil supplies, after abandoning an agreement reached in late 2015 that curbed Tehran's nuclear activities in exchange for removal of US and European sanctions.

In a statement Friday, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said he would embark on a round of global diplomacy to try and save the deal, which the United States, the European Union, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom in 2015 signed in exchange to Iran agreeing to dial back some of its nuclear activity.

On Tuesday, US President Donald Trump dumped the global Iranian nuclear deal, saying that Washington will not extend the waiver for the unilateral sanctions against Tehran.

The meeting follows this week's US decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, to which Germany, France and Britain are also signatories, alongside Russian Federation and China.

"Iran and Turkey will always stand by each other like two intimate brothers against illegal acts in the worldwide community, and have each other's backs in different situations", said Rouhani, adding that the USA government should not be allowed to force other countries to follow its own domestic laws.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the files provided proof that the Obama-era nuclear deal was "built on lies", the BBc report said.

A 69-Year-Old Double Amputee Has Just Climbed Mount Everest
To Boyu, reaching the summit "represents a personal challenge, a challenge of fate", he told Japan Times in April. According to Liaison Officer Gyanendra Sherstha, Xia stood atop the Mt Everest at 8:40 am today.

Ford launches EcoSport S & Signature Edition
Deliveries are slated to start from today itself as many Ford dealers have already received the new variants of the compact SUV. Ford has added a new top-end variant to the EcoSport range called the EcoSport S with prices starting from Rs. 11.37 lakh.

Iran diplomat visits China for talks on nuclear deal crisis
As Rubin told me, "I don't know if the Iranians know what they are going to do yet". The grouping includes Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

The accord trades billions in sanctions relief in exchange for commitments from Iran to get rid of its enriched uranium stockpiles and decommission the vast majority of equipment which could be used to make more.

Zanganeh said foreign investment was needed to develop Iran's its oil industry, but that it could survive even if foreigners chose to stay away for fear of US penalties.

Iranian state television reported that Zarif will first stop in Beijing and then in Moscow before heading to Europe.

Instead, Iran is talking with Europe, Russia and China to see if the deal can be kept alive, though that is far from assured.

And Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Turkey's President Recep Erdogan about how to save the 2015 agreement with Iran, according to Russia's official press agency TASS.

President Donald Trump repeated a misleading claim about Iran's military budget Saturday, saying it had increased by more than 40 percent since the negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal.

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