Iran Says Trump Asked Arab Nations to Help Keep Region Safe

Trump on frontpage of Iranian daily Monaghese

Trump on frontpage of Iranian daily Monaghese

In response to the US move, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday that Tehran was not going to withdraw from the JCPOA, and that the agreement remained between Iran and the five remaining participants of the deal.

He further emphasized that Russian Federation is committed to fully implement the JCPOA and cooperate with other parties to save the deal.

Khamenei, 78, said earlier this week that Trump's "corpse. will be worm food" while the Iranian regime continues to stand, after the president removed the United States from the Iran nuclear deal.

The show of unity came following Trump's pullout from the JCPOA, and his announcement that the USA would reimpose nuclear sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

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Guajardo, however, seemed to indicate he was open to the idea by saying "we have suitcases for two weeks if necessary". Trump regularly threatens to walk away from Nafta, underscoring uncertainty over the pact.

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U.S. President Donald Trump's announcement that he is withdrawing from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal was "silly and superficial", Iran's supreme leader said on Wednesday, according to his official website.

The letters closely track sentiments Mr. Trump has expressed publicly as he seeks to ratchet up pressure on Iran while at the same time scale back American involvement in a region that has consumed enormous resources and lives in the years since the September 11, 2001, attacks...

Six Iranians and three companies were targeted in the first wave of U.S. penalties since Mr Trump announced on Tuesday that...

Following the controversial decision, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Iran weighs plans to remain in the agreement with the other five parties, namely Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany, provided that the remaining JCPOA parties ensure its full benefits for Iran.

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