Iraq election: Shia rivals of PM Abadi 'make gains'

Populist Cleric Sadr All but Wins Majority in Iraq Election

Populist Cleric Sadr All but Wins Majority in Iraq Election

However, with months of wrangling expected ahead, it remains far from certain that he will get the chance to realise his ambitions.

In the 2010 election, Vice President Ayad Allawi's group won the largest number of seats, albeit with a narrow margin, but he was prevented from becoming prime minister.

The head of the list is Hadi al-Ameri, a long-time ally of Tehran, whose forces ended up battling alongside the U.S. to oust the extremists.

Sadr has reinvented himself as an anti-graft crusader after rising to prominence as a powerful militia chief whose fighters battled USA forces after the 2003 invasion. Closely associated with the Islamic revolutionary guard Corps is considered a puppet politician of Iran.

But more recently Mr Al-Sadr has repositioned himself as an Iraqi nationalist with his Marching Toward Reform alliance.

Will not enter the coalition and the movement "For the rule of law", headed by former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. Despite a third place finish, Abadi could potentially still remain prime minister after the government coalition is formed.

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Abadi - who came to power in 2014 as IS rampaged across Iraq - has balanced off the USA and Iran during his time at the helm.

Al-Sadr's list is leading the popular vote count, followed by a list linked to Iraq's predominantly Shiite paramilitary forces that fought alongside Iraq's army in the war against IS militants.

Any attempt to form a government that would threaten the influence Iran has built up in the 15 years since the fall of Saddam Hussein looks certain to face opposition from Tehran.

Political sources told AFP Tuesday that Tehran was already pushing meetings among his Shiite rivals to seek a way to head off Sadr.

According to a participant, the aim has been to unite Abadi and Maliki - bitter foes despite coming from the same Dawa party - alongside the Conquest Alliance, which looks set to come second in the election.

Sadr made a witty suggestion on Twitter as to who might be included in a future ruling coalition.

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