Ireland summons Israeli ambassador over Gaza deaths

Making Sense of the Juxtaposition of the Jerusalem Embassy Opening with the Gaza Riots

German Chancellor Angela Merkel in phone talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday expressed concern over the escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip.

Israel's ambassador to Belgium, Simona Frankel, was summoned to a meeting with the Belgian foreign ministry on Wednesday, Haaretz reported, after she referred in an interview to those killed on Monday as "terrorists".

"Our mission in Ramallah reports that emergency responders in Gaza and the Strip's health services are overwhelmed with the level of casualties", said the spokesperson.

"As well as the death and mass injury, Ireland is also very disturbed by the injuries suffered by health workers as reported by the World Health Organization".

As the the top diplomatc official specified, that Brussels does not support the relocation of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem adding that this move put obstacles to the efforts of reaching peace between Israel and Palestine.

Mr Coveney summoned the Israeli ambassador to Iveagh House yesterday to express "outrage and dismay" at the events. The Minister will also brief the Cabinet on the situation in Gaza this morning.

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Since the border rallies began on March 30, more than 90 Palestinian demonstrators have been martyred by cross-border Israeli gunfire, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.

He says Israeli state officials do not need visas to enter South Africa.

Meanwhile, the Irish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) will hold protests across the country Tuesday, calling for an end to the "ongoing massacre of unarmed Palestinians" by Israeli forces. The Palestinians supported us, the formerly oppressed people of South Africa, during our struggle against oppression.

He accused countries in the region - an apparent reference to Iran's rival Saudi Arabia - of a "treacherous compromise and undignified passivity" for failing to strongly condemn Israeli actions. Palestinians had gathered in their tens of thousands to denounce the move by the United States to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

"It is driving the global scene to a kind of security chaos", he added.

Fresh protests are expected today as Palestinians mark the Nakba, or "catastrophe", commemorating the more than 700,000 Palestinians who fled or were expelled in the 1948 war surrounding Israel's creation.

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