Judge allows key testimony at Missouri Gov. Greitens' trial

David Kovaluk | St. Louis Public Radio

David Kovaluk | St. Louis Public Radio

Both sides of the felony invasion of privacy case against Gov. Eric Greitens appeared for the last time before jury selection starts on Thursday.

Even though it's the day before jury selection, everything is still very fluid with motions still being filed.

Judge Rex Burlison ruled that prosecutors could not call Greitens' former mistress a "victim", since defense attorneys claim they believe no crime was committed, and the mistress never reported the incident to police. The judge says the jury doesn't need the explanation from an expert on how it works. During the hearing, Burlison once again asked the prosecution if they had obtained the photo.

Defense attorneys said it is normal for communication to increase when a person is accused of a felony. Jury selection begins Thursday, and Burlison said he will reconsider if it becomes apparent that an impartial jury can not be seated.

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No cameras or audio recordings are allowed in the courtroom for the trial, but KOLR10 will be bringing the latest information.

Greitens also faces another criminal charge, multiple investigations, two criminal charges and the prospect of impeachment during a special legislative session later this month. A trial date in that case has not been set.

If the House votes to impeach Greitens, the Senate would appoint a panel of seven judges to conduct a trial on whether to remove him from office.

The governor is accused of taking a compromising photo without his former hairdresser's permission, and threatening to reveal it if she were to talk about their affair.

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