Malaysian former deputy PM Anwar to be released on Wednesday

Jailed Malaysian opposition icon to return

Jailed Malaysian opposition icon to return

Malaysia's new Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad sought a pardon for Mr Anwar, which was granted on Wednesday morning.

Malaysian politician Anwar Ibrahim walked out of custody on Wednesday, May 16, after being pardoned over a sodomy conviction that saw him jailed for the past three years, paving the way for his return to national politics.

Mahathir is the leader of the ruling alliance and Anwar's PKR won the majority of parliamentary seats in the group. "This pardon has completely cleared him name at last, but it is a unique pardon, there has never been one like this in Malaysia".

Wan Azizah said in her speech that the time is now to rebuild the country and she hopes with the release of Anwar, Malaysia would regain its glory days again.

However, Anwar would first need to contest in a by-election to be elected as Member of Parliament.

Dr Wan Azizah said the government would work tirelessly to deliver their 100-day promises made during campaigning for the 14th general election. "He followed the events of the new prime minister and how Pakatan Harapan winning has created history and that he is part of it".

The man who has led the country's reform, or "reformasi" movement for 20 years, cautioned his countrymen and women, saying "one election does not a democracy make". He and his supporters have said the charges are politically motivated.

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Mahathir sacked and jailed Anwar on charges of sodomy and corruption. "We have discussed this together and we hope that under Dr. News broke in 2015 that about $700 million allegedly stolen from 1MDB had made its way into Najib's personal bank accounts.

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Anwar began his career in politics as Mahathir's protege in the early 1980s - having already spent nearly two years in jail for political protest - and quickly rose through the ranks to become deputy prime minister in 1993.

Since their rift, Anwar has been arrested, beaten, and twice imprisoned. He was subsequently jailed for sodomy and abuse of power. At his trial in the late 1990s, prosecutors repeatedly brought what they said was a semen-stained mattress into court.

"There will be no special powers given, excepting that given to Ministers, deputies or DPM, which [is] something we already accept". "Today, I am very happy", she said. "I haven't much time left".

But his first downfall came in 1998, when he and Mahathir fell out over alleged cronyism and economic crisis, and when Mahathir began to fear Anwar's vast popularity. The message included a photo showing Wan Azizah sitting to his right.

"A new partnership was essential to overcome the deeply entrenched, corrupt system that was presiding over Malaysia", he said, referring to the Najib government.

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