Mount Merapi erupts, residents told to evacuate

Indonesia: Mount Merapi erupts, spews ash 5500 metres into the sky

The US state of Hawaii is already reeling under the effects of the erupting Kilauea volcano, and now hundreds of residents have been evacuated in Indonesia after Mount Merapi volcano, on the densely populated island of Java, erupted and sent a column of volcanic ash into the atmosphere Friday, May 11.

The Research and Development Center for Geological Disaster Technology said there was a noticeable increase in the crater rate at 6.00am - about two hours before the eruption.

Thick smoke, volcanic ash and pyroclastic materials were released during the eruption, Miriam Tulevski from the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism told Daily Mail Australia.

Nugroho added that 120 people who had been hiking up Merapi were safe.

The Sleman Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) in Yogyakarta has instructed residents and visitors within a 5-kilometer radius of Merapi to evacuate the area.

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Despite Friday's evacuations, officials played down the danger, saying it was a phreatic eruption, which happens when magma heats up ground water, building up pressure inside the crater.

Merapi previously erupted in 2010, killing more than 300 people and forcing 280,000 to flee, in what is considered its most powerful eruption since 1930.

The eruption also caused minor tremors felt by people in surrounding cities, including in Surakarta, Boyolali and Klaten. This is considered not risky and could happen at any time in any active volcano, ' Miriam Tulevski from the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism told Daily Mail Australia.

The disaster mitigation agency however, pointed out that the alert status on Merapi had not be raised.

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