Ryan Coogler could bless 'Black Panther' fans with a female spinoff

'Black Panther' Director Wants to Make a Female-Focused Spinoff

'Black Panther' Director Wants to Make a Female-Focused Spinoff

"It's got to change", said Coogler.

"There's a whole section of the film where T'Challa is out of the movie and you're just following the women..."

Coogler brought 60 film students, many of them African, to the event because Cannes had a significant influence on him when he came to the festival in 2013 with Fruitvale Station.

During a two-hour talk, moderator and critic Elvis Mitchell asked Coogler if the women of Black Panther were as important as the men. She was the best d.p. we could get at the time, and I thought I was getting somebody awesome, but she turned out to be incredible, just phenomenal in every way, and our dispositions kind of matched each other.

Hoping for an all-female take on the Black Panther mythos would not be out of the question. What was one of Coogler's favorite parts of the film?

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It may only be May, but Black Panther has already had a massively wonderful year.

Upon being asked if he would ever do a spin-off with just the female characters of Black Panther, Coogler said: "Oh man, that would be unbelievable if the opportunity came up".

But Coogler did not want that inspiration divulged before the movie came out because he said he was anxious that people would think he was "aiming too high" for a comic book film.

"My mind is being stretched by what we as people can do", he said. An interviewer also noted that Coogler had on his three films always worked with female cinematographers and editors.

Women of Wakanda forever! "In a macro sense, that's the black community", he said. That's the world I come from. "You tell people you're trying to make a superhero movie but it's going to be like The Godfather, and I was anxious about people thinking we were aiming too high", he laughed.

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