Soros Foundation moves from Budapest to Berlin

Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki meets his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban in Warsaw Poland

Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki meets his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban in Warsaw Poland

Central European University, a graduate school started by USA billionaire George Soros, said on Tuesday it would stay in Hungary's capital despite a decision by its founder's foundation to leave.

The move comes a month after Mr Orban won a third straight term in office on pledges to block immigration and introduce a "Stop Soros" law to dramatically tighten state control on NGOs that help the few refugees and migrants in Hungary.

"The Hungarian government is wrong and denigrates our work, and also suppresses the activity of civil society for political gain, using tactics that have no precedent in the history of the European Union", - said the President of the Foundation "open society" Patrick Gaspard.

The Open Society Foundations, which funds non-governmental organisations (NGOs), says it will move its operation to the German capital, Berlin.

What would the Stop Soros law do? .

George Soros, founder and chairman of the Open Society Foundation, waits for the start of a meeting at European Union headquarters in Brussels on April 27, 2017.

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This included criticizing the migration of influx of Muslim migrants into Europe and attacking forces that Orban believed were trying to push a pro-immigration agenda, including Soros.

Some Hungarian Jews, in addition to Soros himself, find the campaign anti-Semitic.

Earlier, the Hungarian government had expressed their opposition to the activities of billionaire George Soros and his organizations, accusing them of meddling in the country's internal affairs.

OSF said it would still support the work of civil society groups in Hungary after it had left.

The prestigious Soros-founded Central European University is also waging a battle against Orban after a higher education law was passed previous year that it says threatens its survival in Hungary.

"CEU can not go into another academic year in a situation of legal uncertainty", its rector Michael Ignatieff said on Tuesday.

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