Steam Link App Rejected By Apple For "Business Conflict"

Apple rejects Valve's Steam Link the app won't come to iOS

Apple rejects Valve's Steam Link the app won't come to iOS

The Steamlink app was meant to allow gamers to stream games to their phones from their PCs.

Earlier this month, Valve announced the impending release of its Steam Link application for iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. We reviewed the Android version, and it's an impressive app despite still being in beta. Apple has also turned down Valve's appeals.

Steam Link is Valve's streaming service, which allows you to run games installed on your PC on any other device.

Valve says that Apple actually approved the iOS version for release on May 7, but chose to renege - due to "business conflicts with app guidelines that had allegedly not been realized by the original review team", according to Valve's statement. Valve appealed the decision, but the appeal was denied, and it now appears that Steam Link will never come to iOS devices. But we hope Apple will reconsider in the future.A definite weird situation, and baffling too as the app store has no shortage of remote-desktop like apps in addition to mountains of shovel-ware. Like Valve mentions, this is simply nothing more than a remote desktop app.

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Apple had originally approved the app for launch on the official Apple App store on May 7. Apple's App Store guidelines ban such a store-within-a-store unless the purchases flow the Apple's infrastructure and pay Apple's cut. It immediately rejects any apps that sell virtual goods or services through their own or third-party stores. Steam Link achieves the same goal of letting PC gamers play something on their television sets (and in this case on-the-go) without having to invest in a full living room system. These transactions take place outside of the App Store, so Apple doesn't get its cut. The most obvious reason is the fact Apple views Steam as a threat to its business model.

KitGuru Says: This is an unfortunate turn of events for many iOS users like myself.

While this might not be a massive loss for Valve, it does go to show how hard it is to get apps approved for the App Store.

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