Texas joins 5 states suing opioid maker Purdue Pharma

Tennessee joins states suing Oxy Contin maker

Tennessee joins states suing Oxy Contin maker

The state's original lawsuit, which was filed in Knox County Circuit Court a year ago, alleges Purdue violated the Tennessee Consumer Protection Act, as well as a 2007 settlement made with the state of Tennessee and, "created a statewide public nuisance by interfering with the health of Tennesseans and the commercial marketplace".

The suit was filed in Travis County District Court and alleges deceptive trade practices allegations.

"My office is holding Purdue Pharma accountable for fueling the nation's opioid epidemic by deceptive marketing of its prescription opioid painkillers, including OxyContin.", Paxton said.

Laxalt says while Nevada has only filed against Purdue, it is continuing to investigate other opioid manufacturers and distributors with the larger opioids multistate group.

Sales of Purdue Pharma opioids are worth billions of dollars every year nationwide. "Even with a slight decline in the number of opioid-related deaths from 2010 to 2016, 85 percent of all opioid-related deaths in Nevada were deemed accidents". Attorney General Paxton's lawsuit seeks significant penalties from the company for its illegal conduct, and a permanent injunction to prevent future harm to Texans.

- Falsely representing that Purdue's abuse-deterrent formulation of OxyContin reduces the risks of OxyContin, including the risk of addiction.

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Bottles of prescription painkiller OxyContin made by Purdue Pharma LP sit on a shelf at a local pharmacy in Provo, Utah, U.S., April 25, 2017. Also, Nevada and the other litigating states continue to engage in ongoing settlement discussions with Purdue and other companies.

A company spokesman added that the state lawsuits will bring costly and protracted litigation.

Calling its conduct "unconscionable", Tennessee's attorney general announced Tuesday he's suing Purdue Pharma for alleged illegal sales and marketing of OxyContin and other opioids.

Slatery wants the lawsuit unsealed so the public can view it, according to the AG's Office.

Last October, President Trump officially declared the opioid epidemic a national emergency, noting that two million Americans suffer from addiction to prescription or illicit painkillers.

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