PM Modi and Marcon
An Indian Idea for a better future. The event will be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French president Emmanuel Macron, leaders of the countries behind the ISA's creation, as well as four prime ministers, 19 presidents and 17 ministers, the people said. "Increasingly, the International Solar Alliance is appealing to these development banks if they could set aside a particular percentage of their loan portfolio to fund renewable energy projects worldwide".
(MENAFN - NewsIn.Asia) Colombo, March 8 (newsin.asia): Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena will be attending the International Solar Alliance (ISA) Founding Conference and the Solar Summit to be held in New Delhi on March 11.
Bose's New AR Glasses Let You Control Music With Head Nods
The audio specialist at SXSW announced intentions to hop aboard the AR bandwagon albeit probably not how you'd imagine. The smart glasses are joined by the Bose AR SDK, which will be available to developers starting this summer.
Analysts Opinions on: Endocyte, Inc. (NASDAQ:ECYT)
Zacks Investment Research upgraded Endocyte from a "sell" rating to a "hold" rating in a research note on Thursday, November 9th. The Company uses its technology to create small molecule drug conjugates (SMDCs) and companion imaging diagnostics.
Inc. Acquires New Stake in Exelixis, Inc. (NASDAQ:EXEL)
BidaskClub downgraded Exelixis from a "buy" rating to a "hold" rating in a research report on Friday, January 19th. Therefore 73% are positive. (NASDAQ:EXEL) has "Outperform" rating given on Tuesday, January 19 by Leerink Swann.
United Nations has already registered the International Solar Alliance as an International Organisation.PM Modi and French President Hollande jointly laid the foundation stone of the International Solar Alliance Headquarters and inaugurated the interim Secretariat of the ISA in National Institute of SolarEnergy, Gurugram, Haryana on 25th January, 2016.
ISA is a treaty-based global body for promotion of solar energy in alliance with 121 countries, which are fully or partially between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. "The European Investment Bank welcomes the vision of the International Solar Alliance to ensure those countries most vulnerable to climate change can harness the proven potential of solar power", said European Investment Bank president Werner Hoyer said in a statement. At least 26 nations, including Australia, Bangladesh and Peru, have ratified its framework agreement, according to the event's website. It will focus on various aspects of promoting solar energy in 121 countries associated with the International Solar Alliance (ISA) like credit mechanism, crowd funding and sharing of technological breakthroughs. Idea is to create collaborative platforms towards a common goal of increasing utilization and promotion of solar energy and solar applications in its member countries.The potential for gains are enormous.
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