Barack Obama Hopes for a 'Million Young Obamas' to Lead 'Human Progress'

Obama tweets message of support to March for Our Lives participants

Obama tweets message of support to March for Our Lives participants

Speaking at a conference in Japan Sunday, Obama spoke a great deal about the Obama Foundation's efforts to help young people in the USA and around the world get connected through the internet.

Obama was on a week-long four-nation trip in the past week, where he first visited Singapore, New Zealand, Australia and then Japan, before returning back to the U.S. on Sunday. "Or, the next group of people who could take that baton in that relay race that is human progress", Obama told a non-profit conference in Tokyo.

Obama - whose repeated pleas for changes to America's gun laws during his presidency never successfully resulted in legislation - is optimistic that the people driven to act by the slaughter of 17 at a Florida high school will achieve their goals. "But we have no doubt you are going to make an enormous difference in the days and years to come, and we will be there for you".

Obama singled out the student activists in a Saturday tweet, saying he was "so inspired" by the high school students. "Nothing can stand in the way of millions of voices calling for change".

"Throughout our history, young people like you have led the way in making America better", the Obamas continued.

Mozilla suspends ads on Facebook on data privacy concerns
Zuckerberg also emphasized steps the company has already taken, including reducing access outside apps had to user data in 2014. But the truth is Facebook will have to deal with investigations and enforcement action European Union regulators and the U.S.

San Diegans rally for gun control in March for Our Lives events
Cities like New York, Boston, Atlanta, Miami, Houston, and Baltimore held rallies. Now people are wondering if lawmakers will listen and act on students' demands.

Uzbekistan FM, US diplomat Thomas Shannon meet in Tashkent
He said that the peace process and a ceasefire must be agreed upon and that Taliban must be declared a political group. There are 20 countries and global organizations represented at the conference.

Obama made the comments while discussing his work since leaving the White House.

According to The Washington Examiner, Obama said that his foundation is working to find ways to "bring people from different perspectives to start having a more civil debate and listen to each other more carefully".

"North Korea is an example of a country that is so far out of the worldwide norms and so disconnected with the rest of the world", he said.

Obama noted that past USA efforts on Iran's nuclear weapons were more successful because there was more leverage, but there's little commerce and travel with North Korea to being with.

This content is published through a licensing agreement with Acquire Media using its NewsEdge technology.

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