Anthony Rizzo Correctly Says There Are Too Many Baseball Games

Cubs' Rizzo would take pay cut to shorten schedule: 'We play too much'

Cubs' Rizzo would take pay cut to shorten schedule: 'We play too much'

During a Tuesday appearance on Chicago's ESPN 1000, Rizzo had this to say about possibly playing fewer games in a season.

"I think playing in the cold sucks", Rizzo said. "Yes, guys are going to take pay cuts".

After playing through frightful weather in Chicago on Saturday night, Sunday's game between the Cubs and Atlanta Braves was postponed because of more inclement weather forecast throughout the day. "I know it's both, but in the long run it will make everything better".

The Cubs postponed games on Sunday and Monday after temperatures dipped below freezing and a snowstorm covered Chicago. Do I think that we need to do that? No. "That's sort of the silver lining in what we've had so far".

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It is hard to imagine players, coaches, or even fans being comfortable in wet weather that is below 40 degrees with high winds.

Even if the season isn't shortened, Rizzo believes an increase in scheduled doubleheaders would allow the season to start later and in warmer temperatures. Is it really that much fun? In other words: don't give ownership any ideas.

The players bargained for more off days in the last round of negotiations for the collective bargaining agreement, which is why this year's season began four days earlier than normal during the middle of the last week of March. Having the season start later might come at the cost of those off-days. And like I also said in the interview, I play first base.

Rizzo is concerned about teams playing games in April weather and players being forced to risk injury for an insane schedule that can be scaled back a bit to avoid such situations. Rizzo conceded as much, saying, "This is kind of a freak April". But in the grand scheme of things, it may take every new stadium having a roof to fix that issue.

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During a Tuesday appearance on Chicago's ESPN 1000, Rizzo had this to say about possibly playing fewer games in a season."I think playing in the cold sucks", Rizzo said. "Yes, guys are going to take p...

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