Daniels reveal sketch of man who threatened her over Trump

Adult film actress Stormy Daniels approaches the microphones set up outside federal court to address reporters Monday

Adult film actress Stormy Daniels approaches the microphones set up outside federal court to address reporters Monday

- President Trump prepared for the second day of a Japan summit by tweeting Wednesday about Stormy Daniels, mocking the new police sketch of a man she says threatened her in 2011.

Daniels is offering a $100,000 reward to anyone who can identify her perpetrator, CNN reported on Tuesday.

At the request of a federal judge on Monday, Cohen's attorneys disclosed in court that Hannity was the third client of Cohen's from the past year.

During Hannity's Fox News show on Monday night, Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard law professor, told Hannity he should have come clean about getting advice from Cohen.

Daniels and her attorney, Michael Avenatti, first showed the sketch on The View on Tuesday morning.

President Trump tweeted the drawing of the alleged suspect, who supposedly told Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, to "leave Trump alone". "What I do for a job doesn't impact my ability to know right from wrong or tell the truth". "I didn't want my family to find out that way".

The man, whose sketch she revealed, threatened her in 2011, she claimed. The image quickly prompted a flurry of online speculation about the person's identity, with Twitter commentators wildly comparing the image to a number of celebrities, including football player Tom Brady, musician Jon Bon Jovi and actor Willem Dafoe.

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Besides supporting Trump on his show, Hannity reportedly talks to the president regularly and, last week, Trump even tweeted out a promotion, telling his followers that Hannity was going to have a big show coming up. "Hannity was paranoid and hiring lawyers", the staffer said. "I am all good". Avenatti later tweeted that they increased the reward to $131,000.

Daniels acknowledged making more money and said she was being booked more, though she admitted to not liking the "Make America Horny Again" name attached to her strip club appearances, calling it "cheesy".

The symbiotic relationship between Donald Trump and Fox News can make it hard to discern where the Trump administration ends and the network begins.

There is also some worry that Michael Cohen, the self-described legal fixer who helped make bad stories go away and took a leading role in Trump Organization projects in foreign outposts, may strike a deal with prosecutors out of concern about his own prospects.

"Now what we learn is, as he's defending the president's lawyer on television, he has a conflict of interest an ethical conflict of interest-he is one of those clients", Connolly said.

"The question for me is, why Sean didn't disclose this earlier", Williams said. The White House has consistently said Trump denies the affair.

Asked about Trump's denials, Daniels was unmoved.

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- President Trump prepared for the second day of a Japan summit by tweeting Wednesday about Stormy Daniels, mocking the new police sketch of a man she says threatened her in 2011.Daniels is offering a...

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