Fresno State professor's tweets and responses on Barbara Bush spark controversy

Fresno State Has Some News For Bush-bashing Professor Who Thinks She Can't Be Fired

Fresno State Has Some News For Bush-bashing Professor Who Thinks She Can't Be Fired

Jarrar then tweeted a smiley face to show her pleasure over the former president's grieving over his mother's death. In one response, Jarrar said she was dancing happily on the grave of a dead person she despised.

Castro noted that Jarrar's comments were made "as a private citizen".

Comedian Peter Coffin said, "Geez, I get it. Barbara Bush is dead". That being the case, her employment status at the university does not appear to be related to Wednesday's tweets.

The professor, Randa Jarrar, made the comments shortly after Bush's death at the age of 92.

Jarrar continued her attack on Barbara and the Bush family, accusing them of exhibiting "genocidal ways". I make 100K a year doing that.

Castro, the university's president, sent out a statement a few hours after Jarrar's tweets, which have since been made private and only viewable to only her followers, went viral. I will never be fired.

Jarrar, a Muslim, was born in Chicago but grew up in Kuwait and Egypt, before returning to the US after the first Gulf War.

The president of Fresno State attempted to distance himself from Jarrar's tweets celebrating the death of the former First Lady.

"Don't be too hasty to blame Arabs, Palestinians or Muslims for @randajarrar".

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"Good news: you won't have to see her when she's in heaven and you're burning in hell", he wrote on Twitter.

"I have always had great respect for Fresno State, but if @randajarrar and the institution value hate speech through the mockery and celebration of Americans dying, I refuse to associate".

She even boasted of the outrage she was causing: "If you'd like to know what it's like to be an Arab American Muslim American woman with some clout online expressing an opinion, look at the racists going insane in my mentions right now".

An LA Times review of her work notes, "Jarrar is hardly the romantic. Please stop", tweeted Eugene Gu, MD, a pediatric surgeon.

"Professor Jarrar's expressed personal views and commentary are obviously contrary to the core values of our University, which include respect and empathy for individuals with divergent points of view, and a honest commitment to mutual understanding and progress".

This is not Fresno State's first tweet controversy from a professor.

He added, "Professor Jarrar's expressed personal views and commentary are obviously contrary to the core values of our University, which include respect and empathy for individuals with divergent points of view, and a honest commitment to mutual understanding and progress".

After receiving more than 2,400 replies, her Twitter account was locked, her brief profile bio changed to, "Currently on leave from Fresno State. this [sic] is my private account and represents my opinions".

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Jarrar then tweeted a smiley face to show her pleasure over the former president's grieving over his mother's death. In one response, Jarrar said she was dancing happily on the grave of a dead person ...

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