KUNC Remembers NPR Newscaster Carl Kasell

Listen Listening... 24:32 Kasell speaks to a crowd of NHPR listeners

Listen Listening... 24:32 Kasell speaks to a crowd of NHPR listeners

Don't Tell Me! passed away Tuesday, April 17 from complications from Alzheimer's disease. According to NPR, he recorded more than 2,000 messages.

Longtime newscaster Carl Kasell, the beloved "voicemail, ' judge and scorekeeper of NPR's 'Wait, Wait..."

He got his start as a late-night music DJ on a local station at just 16, and helped launch the WUNC station at the University of North Carolina with fellow student Charles Kuralt, who went on to have a successful career as a journalist with CBS. "But, as I told them, 'Carl will be the Rock of Gibraltar in NPR's newscast unit".

Following his service in the military, he resumed his work in radio, joining NPR in 1975 as a part-time contributor to Weekend All Things Considered. Don't Tell Me! Over a span of more than 30 years, he was one of the network's most recognized voices.

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Kasell served as the judge and scorekeeper on the weekly news quiz show "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!" from its inception in 1998 until he retired in 2014.

Wait Wait's social media account took to Twitter to remember their old friend.

With a small budget, one of the prizes offered winners on the show was to have Kasell record the message for their answering machine or voice mail. He was urged by Griffith to pursue theater but Kasell fell in love with radio.

Carl Kasell, whose iconic voice delivered NPR news broadcasts to generations of listeners, died on Tuesday in Potomac, Maryland. "He was, and remains, the heart and soul of our show". A man who knew gravitas and goofiness could live as neighbors and co-conspirators.

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Don't Tell Me! passed away Tuesday, April 17 from complications from Alzheimer's disease. According to NPR, he recorded more than 2,000 messages.Longtime newscaster Carl Kasell, the beloved "voicemail...

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