A Starbucks coffee cup with Stop Calling Cops! written on the side sits on a table as police monitor protestors demonstrating inside a Center City Starbucks where two black men were arrested in Philadelphia Pennsylvania U.S
More than 8,000 Starbucks stores across the US will close for an afternoon for "racial-bias education" after two black men were arrested in one of the Philadelphia locations last week.
In 2015, the company encouraged its baristas to write the words Race Together on coffee cups as a way of promoting discussion and unity.
Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson has since apologized over the incident, and called for "unconscious bias" over the incident, adding that, "what happened to those two gentlemen was wrong".
A Starbucks spokesman said the company does not have a policy prohibiting the use of bathroom facilities.
While Starbucks has deftly navigated thorny issues such as gay marriage, gun control and Congressional gridlock, US race relations have proven more challenging.
When they refused to leave, she called police, and the men were arrested.
Starbucks shares were up 0.6 percent at $59.81 in afternoon trading. The two men were held for nearly nine hours before being released.
Читайте также: Victoria Beckham Designs Limited-Edition Spice Girls Shirt for CharityMr Ward told CBS News he had posted the video of the encounter that took place in January after he heard two black businessmen had been arrested for trespassing after refusing to leave a Starbucks store in Philadelphia to use the toilet.
The store manager has since left the Starbucks employ (a "mutual" decision, according to Philly.com).
The chain, with 28,000 locations, has been under fire following the controversial arrests of two black men who were waiting for a friend in a Philadelphia location. Johnson has called the arrests "reprehensible".
Another incident surfaced in Torrance, California, when a potential customer named Brandon Ward released a videotape of what he said was a similar encounter in January, and posted it on Twitter.
"They will not make money at the Starbucks today". As Johnson was being interviewed on "GMA", about two dozen protesters were at the downtown Philadelphia Starbucks chanting, "A whole lot of racism, a whole lot of crap, Starbucks coffee is anti-black". "And that is what we're focused on". All parties agree that the outcome of this incident was extremely unfortunate and that's why we are reviewing the incident seriously. What I do know is that did not happen in this instance.
"Protesters swarmed the Starbucks in question on April 15, holding signs that read "Boycott Racist Starbucks" and "#Enough Shame On You Starbucks".
"We had a very constructive meeting with the mayor, the police commissioner and other government elected officials".
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