Tesla halts Model 3 production line due to bottlenecks

Poor bedless Elon Musk

"The reason that the burst-build target rate is 6,000 and not 5,000 per week in June is that we can not have a number with no margin for error across thousands of internally and externally produced parts and processes", he said, noting that the carmaker produced 2,250 of the sedans last week.

Tesla has paused Model 3 production for up to five days, as it seeks to improve automation processes in its Fremont, California, factory.

According to emails obtained by Jalopnik, there will be another shutdown in May which, if all goes to plan, should allow the automaker to pump out 6000 Model 3s per week by the end of June.

The news comes a day after Tesla temporarily suspended its Model 3 assembly line in what the company said was a planned pause, its second since February, to improve automation and address bottlenecks that have delayed production. The statement used the same language during the halt in production earlier this year. "This is not unusual and is in fact common in production ramps like this".

The exec also mentions looking to cut waste now that Tesla was producing cars at a large scale and had to focus on turning a profit. This is not the Model S or the Model X that's only accessible to the elite.

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Analysts say that smooth Model 3 production can help the company stem its money-losing operations.

It warned of possibly more periods of downtime in the coming months. "While further delays would not necessarily "make or break" Tesla, they will invariably exacerbate cash burn", Toni Sacconaghi, an analyst at Bernstein Research, said in a research note Tuesday.

The apparent problem with Tesla's Model 3 assembly line?

The company is "well behind target" with regards to how numerous sedans it's been making.

Tesla recently celebrated a milestone in the first quarter of 2018, hitting a production rate of 2,000 Model 3s per week. The company's publicly stated goal is 5,000 per week, but Musk doesn't want a production volume with "no margin for error" across a vast supply chain. "It's a six to nine month time shift, that's literally it and three of those months have already passed". The cheapest version of the auto will cost $35,000, and will begin to ship in late 2018, the company said.

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"The reason that the burst-build target rate is 6,000 and not 5,000 per week in June is that we can not have a number with no margin for error across thousands of internally and externally produced pa...

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