Transplant patient given his third face

Jerome Hamon the first man in the world to twice undergo a face transplant after flu tablets incompatible with his anti-rejection treatment led to the first attempt to fail at the Hopital Europeen Georges Pompidou in Paris

Jerome Hamon the first man in the world to twice undergo a face transplant after flu tablets incompatible with his anti-rejection treatment led to the first attempt to fail at the Hopital Europeen Georges Pompidou in Paris

Doctors say, as with other organ transplants, it's not unexpected that some face transplants need to be replaced. Dr. Laurent Lantieri, who performed the first transplant surgery, also conducted the second.

The first person to have two face transplants says he is recovering well after being dubbed "the man with three faces".

But after getting ill in 2015, Hamon was given drugs that interfered with anti-rejection medicines he was taking for his face transplant.

Last summer Hamon was hospitalised and in November his face, suffering from necrosis, had to be removed.

That left Hamon without a face, a condition that Lantieri described as "the walking dead".

Man with 3 faces: Patient with genetic condition gets 2nd face transplant

In January, news of a 22-year-old donor reached the hospital, setting up the possibility of a second transplant for Hamon.

"I feel very well in myself", Jerome Hamon told reporters last week as he continues to recover from the January 15 and 16 surgery at the Georges-Pompidou European Hospital in Paris, the UK's Telegraph reported.

"If you have no skin, you have infections", Lantieri told The Associated Press in an interview on Tuesday. It's earned him the nickname: "The man with three faces".

Eventually, a face donor was found, a 22-year-old man who had died hundreds of kilometres from Paris.

He received his newest face three months ago.

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However, the team said it required an exceptionally fearless and mentally strong patient to pull through such an ordeal.

The operation answers a key question for Lantieri and the rest of the medical world; "Can we redo a facial transplant? Yes, we can retransplant and this is what you get", he told the AFP news agency.

Staff at the hospital said they had been "blown away" by Hamon's "courage, his will, his strength of character in a tragic situation".

He is now being prescribed immunosuppressant drugs in a bid to stop his body from rejecting the new transplanted material.

"While he was waiting he never complained, he was even in a good mood", Bernard Cholley, an anesthetist at Georges-Pompidou European Hospital, where Hamon remains hospitalized, told the Telegraph. It's a question of identity ... But here we are, it's good, it's me'.

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There have been about 40 face transplants since Isabelle Dinoire became the first person to undergo such treatment in 2005. Without a face, he was unable to see, speak or hear, BBC News reported.

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Doctors say, as with other organ transplants, it's not unexpected that some face transplants need to be replaced. Dr. Laurent Lantieri, who performed the first transplant surgery, also conducted the s...

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