US, Britain charge Russian-backed hackers of global cyber espionage campaign

Russian hackers mass exploit routers in homes, govs, and infrastructure

Russian hackers mass exploit routers in homes, govs, and infrastructure

It followed a series of warnings by Western governments that Moscow is behind a string of cyber-attacks.

Learn about the latest in malware and other threats in this report from Malwarebytes on "Cybercrime tactics and techniques: 2017 state of malware".

The Kremlin did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

While the focus of the alert is how individuals and businesses, from the home office to large enterprises, can protect themselves from the attack, the goal was also calling out Russia's bad behavior, officials said. It has previously dismissed allegations it was responsible for cyber attacks against the U.S. and other countries, including meddling in the 2016 USA presidential election and attacks against the United States power grid.

He commented on the threat posed by home internet servers, saying: "We are confident that Russian Federation has carried out a co-ordinated campaign to gain access to enterprise, small office routers and residential routers - the kind of things you and I have in our homes".

The UK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) combined with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the US Department of Homeland Security to issue an unprecedented joint "technical alert" setting out the threat across the public and private sectors.

These "cyber actors" are identifying vulnerable devices to break into, where they can extract device configurations, harvest login details, and control the traffic that goes through the router.

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The joint alert said the cyber campaign was meant to advance spying, intellectual property theft and other "malicious" activities and could be escalated to launch offensive attacks.

Ciaran Martin, CEO of the National Cyber Security Centre said: "Russia is our most capable hostile adversary in cyberspace so tackling them is a major priority for the National Cyber Security Centre and our United States allies".

"We condemn the actions and hold the Kremlin responsible for the malicious activities", said Jeanette Manfra, the chief cybersecurity official for the Department of Homeland Security.

"We have high confidence Russian Federation has carried out a coordinated campaign to gain access to enterprise, small office/home office routers known as SOHO routers, and residential routers, and the switches and connectors worldwide", Joyce said in a conference call.

USA officials said this year that Russian military hackers compromised routers in South Korea in January and deployed new malware when the Olympics began in February.

Martin said the attacks could be designed for spying, stealing intellectual property or possibly "prepositioning for use in times of heightened tension".

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It followed a series of warnings by Western governments that Moscow is behind a string of cyber-attacks.Learn about the latest in malware and other threats in this report from Malwarebytes on "Cybercr...

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