Hawaii volcano erupts again, prompting new evacuations

Time-Lapse Hawaii Eruption Footage Shows Lava Devouring Cars and Homes

Time-Lapse Hawaii Eruption Footage Shows Lava Devouring Cars and Homes

Volcanic activity resumed on the Big Island of Hawaii early Tuesday evening, causing further destruction and prompting new safety concerns in the wake of last week's eruption, authorities said. Sulfur dioxide is shown in yellow in the image.

It said the two new vents had opened near two road intersections and were "actively erupting".

In addition to the lava and volcanic ash spewing out of the ground, officials have warned of unsafe levels of sulfur dioxide gas.

The County of Hawaii Civil Defense Agency issued an emergency bulletin ordering residents of the Lanipuna Gardens area on the east side of the island to leave their homes.

Sulfur dioxide plumes shown in green and yellow. But some had ignored the order and stayed to watch over their property. "Seismicity is still up", Hawaii Civil Defense Administrator Talmadge Magno told a community meeting on Monday night.

Edwin Montoya, 76, had planned to stay to care for animals and keep looters away from his family's property in the nearby Leilani Estates.

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"I'm in my truck right now on my way up the road", he said.

New areas could be subject to evacuation as fingers of the fissure system slowly spread eastward, threatening neighborhoods that until now had been considered safe. "The police came down here and made me".

Kilauea predominantly pours basaltic lava flows into the ocean, but occasionally experiences more explosive events such as the one that began last week.

The new fissures are the latest episode in almost a week of constant volcanic activity which has seen vents emitting risky gases and lava pouring into streets and backyards.

Officials warn that lava could flow downhill and burn areas that are not now in danger, and toxic volcanic gas could kill people, especially the elderly and those with breathing problems.

A total of 36 structures, including 26 confirmed homes, have been destroyed.

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Volcanic activity resumed on the Big Island of Hawaii early Tuesday evening, causing further destruction and prompting new safety concerns in the wake of last week's eruption, authorities said. Sulfur...

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