Israel Attacks Syria Less Than an Hour After Trump Speech

В Сирии сообщили о двух погибших в результате израильского удара

В Сирии сообщили о двух погибших в результате израильского удара

Syria accused Israel of launching an airstrike against a military installation near Damascus overnight in which eight Iranians were allegedly killed, Ynet reported Wednesday. "These matters are very important to Israel's security at all times and especially at this time", he said.

We further pointed out, as confirmed by many experts at the time, the agreement contained loopholes that would allow Iran to use the billions of dollars it would receive under the agreement to fund terror activities and would allow it to stockpile other deadly weapons and to eventually even develop nuclear weaponry after certain designated periods of time.

Earlier in the day, Netanyahu, along with Putin and Serb President Aleksandar Vucic, attended the parade in Red Square commemorating the 73rd anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany in World War II. "In light of what is now happening in Syria, it is necessary to ensure the continued co-ordination" between the two militaries.

"For months now, Iran has been transferring lethal weaponry to its forces in Syria, with the objective of striking at Israel", Netanyahu said. Netanyahu made no mention of the overnight strikes. Russian Federation also considers Iran a strategic ally.

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Syrian media reported Israeli Air Force jets struck several Syrian military bases with Iranian personnel. After an uneventful night, the military on Wednesday called on residents to return to "full civilian routine", meaning studies and excursions would continue as usual, although the shelters would remain open.

Israel, which nearly never confirms or denies airstrikes in Syria, did not comment on Tuesday's attack.

In an interview late last month, Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman vowed to strike at any attempt by Iran to establish a "military foothold" in Syria. Israeli officials have threatened to impose regime change in Syria as well if Iran dares to react.

On April 29, at least 26 mostly Iranian fighters were killed by missiles fired on regime military positions, according to the Observatory. These troops, they say, will involve Iranian-backed Hezbollah groups doing Iran's "dirty work" in Syria. "They are determined to do it and we are determined to prevent it. It is hard to believe, but 73 years after the Holocaust, we in the Middle East have a country - Iran - which openly calls for the destruction of the state of Israel", Netanyahu said, Sputnik reported.

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Syria accused Israel of launching an airstrike against a military installation near Damascus overnight in which eight Iranians were allegedly killed, Ynet reported Wednesday. "These matters are very i...

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