Obama: Trump pulling USA out of Iran nuclear deal "a serious mistake"

Iran nuclear deal LIVE Trump

Iran nuclear deal LIVE Trump

"The reality is clear".

Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, who sits on the defense and the state, foreign operations and related programs subcommittees within the House Appropriations Committee, said in a statement that Trump's decision to exit the accord without a better deal in place was "shocking in its recklessness and benefits nobody but Iran".

But he added Tehran would "wait a few weeks" until it has spoken with its allies and those committed to the nuclear deal. The move puts the United States in breach of the 2015 agreement, which was concluded by the Obama administration after almost two years of negotiation.

Trump then signed a memorandum ordering US agencies to reinstitute all nuclear sanctions on Iran that were waived by Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama. "We have sanctions separate from the [accord] to address these - and they should be used aggressively - but actions in these areas are not violations of the [agreement] as President Trump has continued to claim". Trump described the Iran deal, brokered under his predecessor, Barack Obama, as "defective at its core" and "a great embarrassment to me as a citizen".

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said: "The US has announced that it doesn't respect its commitments".

Without mentioning Mr. Trump by name, Obama called Mr. Trump's announcement on the deal "so misguided" and said that Iran is complying with the agreement.

"That was not simply the view of my Administration", Obama said.

Khamenei has also warned in the past that Iran would burn the nuclear deal if the United States walked out.

Iran has also said it would try to salvage the agreement, but would restart uranium enrichment if it could not.

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"As we have throughout this process, we'll continue to follow the USA government's lead", Boeing spokesman Gordon Johndroe said. "But the consistent flouting of agreements that our country is a party to risks eroding America's credibility, and puts us at odds with the world's major powers".

Even Fox News, with its pro-Republican and pro-Trump bias, observed that "Trump for months had left open whether he would move to scrap the pact, and his apparent decision to re-impose sanctions has rattled European allies".

He said there would be a meeting between France, Britain, Germany and Iran on Monday.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron both recently traveled to the U.S.to meet with Mr. Trump. Iranian state television said Trump's decision to withdraw was "illegal, illegitimate and undermines global agreements".

"And I think that really hurts when you have a country like China that's spending an very bad lot of money, that's doing really well".

"I think we're going to $80 next year for (U.S. oil)", said Eric Nuttall, partner and senior portfolio manager at Ninepoint Partners in Toronto.

"We urge the USA to ensure that the structures of the JCPOA (deal) can remain intact and to avoid taking action which obstructs its full implementation by all other parties to the deal", the leaders of Britain, Germany and France said in a joint statement provided by Prime Minister Theresa May's office.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to Moscow on Wednesday, where he and President Vladimir Putin will discuss military coordination amid new strikes in Syria blamed on Israel.

Chinese refiners said Iran now had a relatively small share in its supplies, and alternatives would be easy to find in Russia, Saudi Arabia, West Africa and the United States. They also burned a piece of paper representing the nuclear deal and stomped on the papers' ashes.

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"The reality is clear".Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, who sits on the defense and the state, foreign operations and related programs subcommittees within the House Appropriations Committee, said in a ...

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