Whitney Houston Trashes Paula Abdul's Voice in First Documentary Trailer

Houston's assistant and close friend Robyn Crawford appears to be a huge topic in the documentary as the film explores the nature of their relationship and even suggest Bobby Brown wasn't too keen on

Houston's assistant and close friend Robyn Crawford appears to be a huge topic in the documentary as the film explores the nature of their relationship and even suggest Bobby Brown wasn't too keen on

One in particular, appears to be Paula Abdul who Houston effortlessly shaded as being the inferior singer. The trailer for Whitney places "heart" as a pivotal point in the documentary, which is appropriate, as it is the first Whitney Houston documentary to be made with the permission of the Houston family estate. The highly-anticipated documentary directed by Kevin Macdonald will premiere at the Cannes Film Festival on Wednesday and features insights from the music world's biggest players and her inner circle of family and friends.

The trailer touches on multiple hot-button issues that surrounded Houston, as a disembodied voice fires off questions about drug choice, addiction, her relationships with Bobby Brown and Robyn Crawford. An interviewee speaking off camera in the teaser can be heard saying "Robyn was [Houston's] safety net" and "Bobby was jealous". Another follows up, saying: "His heart was, he wanted to be on the stage".

Though Macdonald interviewed Brown for the doc, he told The Hollywood Reporter the former New Edition member is "actually is not ready to tell the truth, for whatever reason".

'I never knew there was any addiction, ' Reid asserts.

The film will also highlight Houston's relationship with her mother who was admittedly tough on her superstar daughter.

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Harry and Markle have invited 600 guests to the wedding, which will be followed by a gala reception hosted by the queen . "Ms. The report also mentions that Markle is back in the hospital after reportedly being treated for a heart attack a week ago.

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Thomas will become the third player to have his number retired. "I really appreciate that and my family appreciates it". Pro Football and College Football Hall of Famer Thurman Thomas will receive one of the ultimate honors this fall.

Whitney Houston broke more music industry records than any other female singer in history.

"When I was first approached about it, my immediate response was that I'm not really interested in Whitney Houston". I met Nicole David, her longtime agent, who was incredibly close to her. And I thought that was interesting.

If you need us before then, we'll be refining our "I Will Always Love You" rendition. "So I think it was the combination of thinking there's this really interesting personal mystery, but also how this woman was a musical genius".

Whitney debuts July 6 in theaters nationwide via Roadside Attractions and Miramax.

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